
I’m Owen.

I am a recent graduate from the Strategic Design and Management program at Parsons School of Design. My focus is on design thinking, research, and innovation.

I’m using these skills to develop and implement innovative business strategies, leveraging the design process throughout the research, planning, and execution phases of each project’s lifecycle. Whether working independently or as part of a team, I am consistently looking for ways to improve my research and design process to maximize the impact of my print, verbal, and digital end products.

Mise en place and strategic design


I studied business at a design school. That’s not an accident. In fact, it’s an example of how I approach problem-solving. I wanted a business program that focused on innovation and finding creative solutions to real-world challenges. By thinking outside the box, I found a program that is helping me learn how to design and execute innovative solutions to complex problems.


A few recent projects

Click to learn more about each project, including deliverables and key tasks:

Researching and Designing a Zine

Researching a topic and designing a zine to match the theme. Theme chosen: the history and impact of tattooed ladies.

Ideating partnerships

Analyzing Ben & Jerry’s public persona to identify three potential strategic partnerships.

Grocery store comparison

Using primary and secondary research to analyze a topic and find ways to highlight the similarities and differences.