Graphic Design Project: Tattoo Zine
Research zines and develop a 20-page zine on the topic of your choice.

Communication Design for the Strategist
Project type
The assignment
Ideation phase
Research phase
Click to expand images
Surprising find:
Although the portrayal of tattooed ladies generally involved a victim narrative, this was often simply a means of maintaining respectability in the Victorian era. Many aspects of this career path actually provided a woman with more autonomy, freedom, and income than their society generally granted them.
Points of observation:
- Single font on this page
- Mix of ALL CAPS and lower case
- White text on images
- Design reads as TV/movie credit: stands out from next page
- Prior image flows to this image: feels transitional, start of something new
- More than one type of paper used: physical indication of change
- Two fonts, one very bold, with huge amounts of empty space: clean, fresh, transitional
- Plain page embodies “wind” theme of article
- Article has no intro: forces you to leave the last article abruptly
- Large empty space on one side: the white is what stands out
- Layout forces readers to engage, but still looks interesting
- Image highlights features of a drink not traditional in the US: modern take on old tradition
- Image takes priority over the recipe on the left; clear instructions
- History/culture explained, not just the recipe: fun descriptive writing
- Personal opinion incorporated while staying consistent
- Modern layout that feels calm, clean and natural
- Page number is visible, but doesn’t disturb page flow
- Image feels warm, bright
- Heavily contrasts from text (left)
- Shows subjects’ personality
- Staging feels home-like, not busy
- Image is different from others: feels less staged, more personal, less curated
- Text is subtly the subject
- Empty space on blank page feels clean, not boring
- White space provides place to rest thumb between credits & text body: empty space serves a purpose
- Some spreads are cohesive; some show L-R break to indicate transition to next topic
In researching this topic, I discovered that becoming a “tattooed lady” was often as much a story of female empowerment as of being taken advantage of and gawked at as a “circus freak” sideshow act. While we would judge the decision to follow this route very differently through today’s lens, at the time, it was a bold choice that a woman could take that would provide the opportunity to maintain autonomy over her decisions and her body, earn a living, and – often – provide a way to escape an abusive marriage.
Design development
Design and critique phase

Final Zine
Click the image below to launch an electronic version of this zine:
Related project
Below is the video I created in the next phase of the class, presenting a broader overview of the American Traditional tattoo style:
Key tasks
Historical research
Page spread development
Sourcing content
Creating content
Digital prototyping
Background research
Mood board
Page spread mockups
Completed zine
Verbal presentation
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop